Thursday, September 24, 2015

Immune Boosting Foods

In the beginning of the autumn, it is necessary to reinforce the immune system and avoid the common cold, which is usual for this time of year. I for example didn't do that so I have a flu at the moment...Not to end up like me in bed, here is some super food for boosting your immune system:

1. Elderberry - It's an old folk remedy. This fruit is loaded with antioxidants and may help fight inflammation. In some test-tube studies, an extract from the berries appears to block flu viruses.
2. Button mushrooms - They're a source of the mineral selenium and the B vitamins riboflavin and niacin. That can be helpful on several fronts. Low levels of selenium are linked to a higher risk of getting a more severe flu. Riboflavin and niacin play a role in a healthy immune system.

3. Acai berry - Its dark color is a sign that it's got plenty of antioxidants called anthocyanins.
4. Oysters - They've got zinc in them which have antiviral effect.
5. Watermelon - When it's ripe, it's also got plenty of a powerful antioxidant called glutathione which helps strengthen the immune system. You can find the most glutathione in the red pulpy flesh near the rind.
6. Cabbage - It's a source of immune-strengthening glutamine.
7. Almonds - One-quarter cup has nearly 50% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin E, which helps boost the immune system. They also have riboflavin and niacin, which may help you bounce back from the effects of stress.
8. Grapefruit - It's packed with flavonoids - natural chemical compounds that have been found to increase 
immune system activity. They also have a good amount of vitamin C.

9. Wheat germ - It's the part of a wheat seed that feeds a baby wheat plant and it's packed with nutrients. It's a great way to get zinc, antioxidants and B vitamins. 
10. Low-Fat yogurt - A cup a day may reduce your chances of getting a cold. Look for labels that say "live and active cultures".
11. Garlic - It has several antioxidants that battle immune system invaders. H. pylori is one of its targets - the bacteria linked to some ulcers and stomach cancer.
12. Spinach - You'll find lots of nutrients in this "super food". One of them is folate, which helps your body make new cells and repair DNA. It also boasts fiber, antioxidants like vitamin C and more. Eat spinach raw or lightly cooked to get the most benefit.
13. Tea - Feel free to choose green or black. Both are loaded with disease-fighting polyphenols and flavonoids which seek out cell-damaging free radicals and destroy them. Caffeinated and decaf work equally well.
14. Sweet potato - Like carrots, sweet potato have the antioxidant beta-carotene which mops up damaging free radicals. They also have vitamin A which may reduce the risk of some cancers and is linked to a slow-down in the aging process.
15. Broccoli - It's full of nutrients that protect your body from damage. It has vitamins A and C and glutathione.

Ps. To boost your immune system you can try and Garcinia Purely Trim, among else it's going to give you additional energy....

Monday, September 21, 2015

5 Ways to Ease Sore Muscles

While the study didn’t explore why exactly exercise can help ease muscle soreness, researchers believe that, since it increases circulation to muscles, physical activity may help speed up the body’s drainage of the metabolic waste and chemicals linked with muscle aches. Of course, moving your muscles isn’t the only way to keep them pain-free. Try these other ways to ease aches:
- Foam rollers Similar to massage, foam rollers increase blood flow to your muscles through applied pressure—but without the hefty price tag. And since you decide which muscles you work, you can make sure to focus on the areas that need the most.
- Acetominophen - Skip ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. While they may make you feel better, they’ll also halt your body’s production of a group of lipid compounds called prostaglandins, which research shows help muscles heal. Acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) can help temporarily curb pain without preventing muscles from repairing themselves.
Stretching—after a warm up - Limbering up relaxes and lengthens tight muscles. But since stretching “cold” muscles can cause injury, researchers recommend waiting to stretch until after you’ve done a light warm-up.
Heat therapy - Warm temps can increase blood flow to sore muscles big time. Soak in a hot bath, or if the pain is isolated, apply heat directly to the spot that’s giving you trouble. Many peel-and-stick heating pads can stay in place for hours and are thin enough to wear under clothing.
Omega-3s - Taking a fish-oil pill once a day reduces soreness and eases inflammation 48 hours after a strength-training workout. Omega-3s—which are also found naturally in foods such as salmon, spinach, and nuts—may help boost circulation to sore muscles while also reducing inflammation.

Ps. If you need additional energy for working out try Garcinia Purely Trim

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Supplements for optimal health

When it comes to getting all the nutrients you need, few diets provide adequate amounts of every single vitamin, mineral and antioxidant necessary for optimal health. Even if your diet is so-called “perfect,” many other factors contribute to the absorption of these vital nutrients. That is why, despite all the debate, supplements are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. For this reason, supplements are essential and, if you plan appropriately – taking the more sensitive vitamins and minerals in the evening before bed and the fat-soluble vitamins with a meal - you will find you have a sort of “insurance policy” on your micronutrient absorption.
There are several vitamin and mineral supplements that both men and women should take on a daily basis and a few others that come more highly recommended for each gender.
For men and women:
Multivitamin - Everyone can benefit from a multivitamin. This is a great way to avoid taking a million pills every day and still supplement the nutrients you need.
Fish Oil - you can benefit from the powerful omega-3s found in fish oil. Omega-3s are linked to higher levels of HDL (“good” cholesterol), improved metabolism and better nutrient absorption. 
Vitamin D3 - If you haven’t heard by now, sufficient levels of vitamin D are essential for maintaining good health. Low vitamin D has been linked to several types of cancer, weight gain, depression, poor nutrient absorption and low bone density.
Coenzyme Q10 -  CoQ10 is well-known as an inflammation fighter. Inflammation in often the root cause of excess pounds, arthritis, headaches and heart disease.
Folic Acid (Folate) - Folate is an essential B-vitamin that has been proven to lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and improve arterial blood flow – lowering your risk of hypertension and heart disease as well.
More specifically there are recommends for a certain supplements in relation to gender. It is advisable for women to take and Calcium and Iron, whereas for men, the recommended Boron and Selenium.
Another supplement both gender can use for boosting energy is GARCINIA PURELY TRIM...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

10 Tricks for easy portion controls

The first step in successful portion control is learning the correct serving size. The serving size can usually be found by reading nutritional labels. But the portion is the amount of food or drink a person chooses to consume. In many cases, the portion eaten is larger than the serving size simply because we don’t know any better.
Here are 10 simple ways to keep your portions a healthy size:
1. Measure accurately - For foods and beverages, use gadgets like a measuring cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, or food scale.
2. Learn how to estimate serving sizes:
- ½ cup is the size of an ice cream scoop
- 1 cup is the size of a tennis ball
- 1 ounce of cheese is the size of a domino.
3. Use portion control dishware. Pick out smaller plates, bowls, cups, and glassware in your kitchen and measure what they hold. You might find that a bowl you thought held 8 ounces of soup actually holds 16, meaning you’ve been eating twice what you planned.
4. Dish out your servings separately. Serve food from the stove onto plates rather than family-style at the table, which encourages seconds.
5. Make your own single-serving packs
6. Add the milk before the coffee. When possible, put your (fat-free) milk into the cup before adding the hot beverage to better gauge the amount used.
7. Measure oil carefully. This is especially important because oil (even the healthful kinds like olive and safflower) have so many calories; don’t pour it directly into your cooking pan or over food.
8. Control portions when eating out. Eat half or share the meal with a friend. If eating a salad, ask for dressing on the side. Dip your fork into the dressing and then into the salad.
9. Add vegetables. Eat a cup of low-calorie vegetable soup prior to eating a meal, or add vegetables to casseroles and sandwiches to add volume without a lot of calories.
10. Listen to your hunger cues

                                         This doesn't sound so hard, right? :) 
 And after you manage your serving portions successfully and still wanna slim down .. use GARCINIA PURELY TRIM... THE FASTEST WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How can I speed up my metabolism?

Metabolism describes all the chemical processes that go on continuously inside the body to keep you alive and your organs functioning normally, such as breathing, repairing cells and digesting food.
These chemical processes require energy. The minimum amount of energy your body requires to carry out these chemical processes is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Your BMR accounts for anything between 40% and 70% of your body’s daily energy requirements depending on your age and lifestyle. A ‘slow metabolism’ is more accurately described as a low BMR.

What can I do to speed up my metabolism?
It is claimed that certain foods and drinks can boost your metabolism, including green tea, black coffee, spices and energy drinks. The evidence behind these claims is flimsy, the effect on your metabolism is marginal at best and each person will respond differently to each product.
While you don't have much control over the speed of your metabolism, you can control how many calories you burn through your level of physical activity. The more active you are, the more calories you burn. In fact, some people who are said to have a fast metabolism are probably just more active – and maybe more fidgety – than others.
Here are the three most effective ways of burning calories:

Aerobic activity
Aerobic exercise is the most efficient way to burn calories. You should aim to do 150 minutes of aerobic activity, such as walking, cycling and swimming, a week. You can achieve this target by doing 30 minutes five days a week and breaking down your activity sessions in chunks of 10 minutes. To lose weight, you are likely to need to do more than 150 minutes a week and make changes to your diet.

Strength training
Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, so increasing your muscle mass will help you lose weight. Don't worry, you don't need to turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger! Aim to do muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms). Examples of muscle-strengthening activities include lifting weights and high intensity bouts of exercise. Heavy gardening may also do the job.

Be active
Being constantly on the move and always find new ways to be active during the day.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Rolle of HCA in weight loss supplements

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is otherwise known as Garcinia Cambogia and derives from the dried rind of the Garcinia Cambogia (family Guttiferae) fruit.
What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?
Hydroxycitric acid has been used for centuries as a food condiment in Southeastern Asia to make food more filling and satisfying. Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) is a popular ingredient in commercial weight-loss preparations. Research has shown that HCA is effective at triggering safe weight-loss - even in untrained men and women. Animal studies have shown that HCA improves glucose function, increases serotonin levels, and is effective at weight restriction. HCA also shifts the bodies preferred energy source from carbohydrates to fats. 

In athletes, HCA increases lipolysis and may improve the synthesis of Ach - Acetycholine. Acetycholine is a neurotransmitter responsible for muscular contraction, and an improvement in its synthesis may improve athletic performance by increasing exercise endurence. By potentiating the effects of 5-HT, HCA may prove effective in the treatment of depression, insomnia and migraine headaches. When used in conjunction with pyruvate and carnitine, HCA may be more effective at promoting fat loss, and Hydroxycitric acid has been shown to elicit weight loss without stimulating the central nervous system. Research also demonstrates that HCA has antibacterial properties and may thus offer immune system protection.
All persons can benefit from hydroxycitric acid supplementation.
How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?
Strictly adhere to label recommendations. Research has shown that HCA supplementation is non-toxic to humans, even in high doses.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Everyday exercise for better health

We all know how physical health is important, from preventing a big number of diseases, maintaining and improving your health and for simply feeling better and having fun. In general, to feel some of the benefits of exercising you should have at least 30 minutes of a physical activity every day, but if you want to achieve some more specific goal (lose some weight) you may need to exercise more.

Here are some tips how you can be more active every day:
  • Take regular walks -- after dinner with the family, a walk instead of a drive or take the dog for a stroll.
  • Enjoy your favorite TV shows, but get up and take an exercise break during commercials. When reading, get some exercise after every six pages.
  • Walk quickly or run while doing errands. Walk the escalators instead of just riding on them.
  • Do laps through the aisles of the grocery store, or walk quickly on your trip to the mall.
  • Start an active new hobby, such as biking or hiking.
  • If you're on the phone, walk around while you chat.
  • Dance to your favorite music, or engage in active play with your kids for at least 30 minutes each day. 
This everyday routine can be much easier if you additionaly use and Garcinia Purely Trim. You will have more energy for everyday activities and airing. So why don't you try? :)

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Parasites and colon cleansing program

Rid your body of toxins, pollutants, and parasites to allow your body to naturally regenerate itself back to vibrant health.
The building blocks to an effective parasite cleansing program should always include the removal of the waste in the colon. If the colon is not functioning at optimal abilities, poor digestion will always culminate with toxic waste materials in the bowels. The intestinal track functions as both the nutrient absorption and the waste removal system of the body. It is a dysfunctional colon, coupled with the presence of toxic waste in the bowels, that generally forms the breeding grounds for most of the common parasitical infestations that we humans (and our pets) suffer from. This toxic waste creates the environment in which intestinal parasites thrive and propagate. Autointoxication (reabsorbing your own bowel toxins) is possibly responsible for many of the nagging chronic symptoms that people complain of. Unfortunately the condition of a dysfunctional bodily waste removal system is one the the most prevelant conditions in modern society; but it doesn't have to remain this way. 

To prevent this kind of problems, doctors are recommending powerful formula Revita Cleanse Advanced which can help you in gaining a both healthy and slim figure. It is a natural detoxifying formula, which offers relief from bloating, constipation and other health issues that are linked with bad digestion. In addition, it offers a helping hand in weight management by facilitating burning of fat and preventing obesity. With this formula you can enjoy a healthy digestive system and also get a slimmer look too. This solution helps you getting lighter and healthier feel from inside.  

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Benefits from regular cleansing

Having a slim and healthy body is the dream of everyone, but our bad eating habits keep us away from realizing this dream. Revita cleanse is a formula, which helps you in gaining a both healthy and slim figure. It is a natural detoxifying formula, which offers relief from bloating, constipation and other health issues that are linked with bad digestion. In addition, it offers a helping hand in weight management by facilitating burning of fat and preventing obesity. With this formula you can enjoy a healthy digestive system and also get a slimmer look too. This solution helps you getting lighter and healthier feel from inside.

Revita cleanse advanced ingredients are formulated by combining natural and tested ingredients that contribute in detoxifying the body and bringing down the body weight to lend a slim figure. They include:

- Cape aloe
- Cascara sagrada
- Flax seed
- Senna leaf
- Slippery elm bark
- Olive oil
- Peppermint

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Celebs who use Garcinia and Revita

According to Kim Kardashian, Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Lopez, you can lose a significant amount of body fat with just these 2 diet cleanses - Garcinia cambogia and Revita cleanse. The combined effect is clinically proven to not just rapidly burn fat off your physique but as importantly, to flush out all the destructive toxins in your body and increase your metabolism, all without harming your immune system.

                        "No Gimmicks, No Surgery I Lost 42lbs!" said Kim Kardashian

As we have often reported when researching the latest diet trends, losing weight often feels like an impossible challenge and all too frequently the results are painfully disappointing. However, after an exhaustive research effort including interviewing actual dieters using this exact system, we're more than excited about this breakthrough.
                  Kim was a little embarrassed when friends discovered how much she lost!

If most beautiful women of the world say that these supplements help them to reduce their weight, we don't have anything to lose if we try, unless pounds ;)