Monday, August 31, 2015

Body detoxification

A good way to prepare your body for the upcoming autumn is detoxification. The digestive system is very important because it provides the means with which we obtain life giving nutrients. So it's easy to conclude that if our digestive system is not healthy then and the rest of the body will be less healthy as well.

Constipation is a condition where your body is left without vital nutrients which is very harmful. This can also increases the toxin levels which can be absorbed through the digestive track to the rest of the body. To prevent this, the cleanser is a dietary supplement that can help keeping your system clean and fully functional.
You can use the cleanser and if you have next conditions:
- Low energy level
- Bloating and cramping
- Poor metabolism
- Poor nutrient absorption
- Reduced fat oxidation
- Weak immunity

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Does alcohol decreases Garcinia cambogia effect?

Do you occasionally like to have a drink or two? Drinking alcohol is a common thing, socially and medically acceptable in reasonable amount. If you occasionally indolence to yourself and enjoy in a glass of wine you should most probably still have benefit from Garcinia cambogia.

Alcohol is often called “empty calories”. This means that the nutritional value of alcoholic drinks are zero. This means, if you take a drink, you won’t get nutrition. Instead, you will get instant calories. And as you know it has important impact on your weight.
The very next thing that happens is: alcohol increases appetite and all the food you take after having a drink, are converted into more fat in your body.
This is where Garcinia cambogia can help you with because Garcinia is blocking creation of fatty cells.
So, if you enjoy occasionally in a glass of wine or beer just know that you must drink responsibly: you should limit the amount of drinks to one glass a day.

When you take a drink, the alcohol goes directly to your liver. Everything else is put aside. If you drink very slowly, all the alcohol is collected by the liver and processed immediately. If you drink more quickly, the liver can't keep up with the processing needs and the alcohol continues to circulate in the body until the liver is available to process it. That’s why drinking large amounts of alcohol (or drinking alcohol quickly) affect the brain centers involved with speech, vision, reasoning and judgment. Try to enjoy both the drink and your food slower. Remember that alcohol increases appetite and on the other side it slows your metabolism down because all the metabolic events are immediately sent to dissolving alcohol in your liver.
Speaking from my own experience, I don't think you should avoid alcohol completely. For example, I don’t drink every day but when I do, I never drink more than 2 glasses of wine, mostly with dinner. Instead, I drink less and exercise more. And seriously, working out helps because it burns a lot of those “empty calories” that I took with my wine…

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Is Garcinia cambogia working for men, too?

We all know that women and men have different body composition and that is important and noticeable even in process of losing weight. There is opinion that biologically men lose fat faster than woman so there's a question how Garcinia cambogia can work for them, too?
Reasons why men lose fat faster than women are:

- Men have more muscles and more muscles burn more fat;
- Men have different hormones, more testosterone which helps fat burn (on contraire women have estrogen which actually helps storing fat;
- Men are daily eating more protein than women (in general, they eat more meat)
- Men are eating less sweets than woman, which are carbo-hydrates.

As I said how women have bad luck because they have estrogen which is responsible for storing fat, bad thing about men is that they store most of their fat in the stomach area. If that's the case, my dear men, this is most probably the best time, when you should seriously start thinking about more exercise, better diet and supplements.

Even if it doesn’t make drastic change in your appearance in the beginning, on a long run good diet combined with supplements and exercise is the only winner against the constant problem of being overweight. Fact is that most of the people (men and women) never lose the wanted amount of pounds because they give up shortly after starting the process of Garcinia Cambogia use. The most important thing to remember while you are on diet is to be persistent and not to give up.
The point is that there is no right answer whether this supplement will work for men or not. The good news is, there is absolutely no risk on trying them out. In combination with a proper and healthy diet and an exercise plan it will soon start showing some results.
If in any case you don't see results immediately, continue with this process for at least 4-5 weeks and then they are starting to show up. Just make sure to keep on going with your healthy diet and exercise. Again, even if minimal, this is the best way to do something about your weight loss.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia usage

Garcinia cambogia has a long usage history in herbal medicine and offers a big variety of health benefits. Well known fact about Garcinia is her roll in suppressing appetite, metabolism boosting, preventing fat buildup and reducing abdominal fat. Beside this effects, Garcinia cambogia in alternative medicine can also help with:

1. Obesity - Garcinia cambogia helps in reducing the buildup of fat.
2. High cholesterol - According to some studies, garcinia cambogia in combination with glucomannan may help lower cholesterol levels in obese people.
3. Diabetes - Garcinia may help in diabetes control by improving blood sugar metabolism.
4. Ulcers - Gambogia might help alleviate ulcer symptoms by reducing acidity in the stomach.

If you are curious how Garcinia is influencing so much on health, here is a list of four main ingredients which are bound to all Garcinia supplements, just in different percentages:
  • Hydroxycitric acid (HCA)
  • Potassium
  • Chromium
  • Calcium
Hydroxycitric acid is the main ingredient in any Garcinia supplement; it accounts for 50% to 60% of the product. This active ingredient is said to have some powerful weight loss properties, as it inhibits the process of converting sugar and carbohydrates into fat.
Potassium is another ingredient you will find in Garcinia products. This ingredient helps weight loss by converting food into energy, boosting metabolism and developing muscles. Most Garcinia products are fortified with potassium to help enhance some of the body’s functions.
Termed as the fat-loss gate keeper, Chromium, which is a trace mineral, plays a vital role in improving insulin action in the body.
Lastly, we have calcium. Studies show that low levels of calcium encourage weight gain: this ingredient seeks to ensure that your body has enough calcium.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Magical Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia, also known as the Malabar tamarind, is a small, sweet tropical tree fruit with a pumpkin shape that grows in India, Southeast Asia, and some regions of Africa. People from that area, where Garcinia grows, were always aware of the healing characteristics of Garcinia. But in the late 1960s, scientists discovered an acid in the rind of fruit similar to the citric acid found in fruits like oranges and lemons. That acid is hydroxycitric acid or just HCA. This acid is responsible for suppressing the appetite by sending an appetite-suppressing signal to the brain via the amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan, which is a direct precursor to the serotonin.
HCA is also blocking an enzyme called citrate lyase which promotes turning sugars and starches into fat and when that enzyme is blocked carbohydrates are diverted into energy. On that way they are not stored as a fat in the body and if you additionally have hard training, your fat level is rapidly going down. 

With all listed characteristics of Garcinia Cambogia you can see how much Garcinia, among other benefits, can help if you want to lose weight but if you still have doubts whether you should try it or not, here are some benefits from Garcinia Cambogia, according to the scientists:
  • Garcinia delivers 4 times more weight loss than  just diet and exercise alone
  • It's boosting your energy level
  • This fruit is rich in antioxidants - beats blueberries, and even gogi berries!!
  • Garcinia promotes cardiovascular and digestive wellness.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Massage benefits

In today's stressful life, massage is a great way for the stress and tension release as well as a healing a big variety of painful body conditions. Massage has been practicing for thousands of years and today you can choose between about 80 different massage styles which includes big variety of movements, techniques and pressures. Massage therapists usually work with their hands and fingers, but they can also use and elbows and feet while pressing, rubbing or manipulating muscles and other soft tissues. Massage may range from light stroking to deep pressure.

 Here are some of the benefits you can have if you visit your massage therapist regularly:
1. Massage soothes anxiety and depression - Massage therapists touch can be incredibly therapeutic and relaxing when is done safe, friendly and professional.
2. It relieves muscle pain - Massage increases and improves circulation which helps to relieve the pain.
3. Massage improves sleep 
4. It boosts immunity - Massage boosts patients' white blood cell count which are very important for defending the body from disease.
5. It relieves headaches - Massage decreases frequency and severity of tension headaches.
6. Massage can counteract the imbalance caused from sitting - Desk workers can feel very often pain or weakness in the low back and gluteals caused by prolonged periods of sitting.
As you can see, a massage is more than just a way to indulge yourself. It can be a powerful way to help you taking charge of your health, no matter if you have a specific health condition or you are just looking for another stress reliever.  You can even learn how to do self-massage or to engage in massage with a partner at home and make it joint activity in enjoyment and stress relief. Whatever kind of massage you won't make mistake.

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Kefir is a unique fermented milk product that has been used in European and Asian folk medicine for curing a big variety of medical conditions. It's one of the most probiotic rich foods in the world which is loaded with valuable vitamins and minerals which contains easily digestible complete proteins and the cocktail of beneficial bacteria that improves health in many ways. This interesting name - kefir, comes from the Turkish word "keif", which means "good feeling". If you are curious how it tastes, it is very similar to a greek yoghurt. If you're still not convicted why you should add kefir to your everyday diet, here are some benefits kefir can provide you if you use it regularly:

1. Helps fighting the cancer - regular kefir consumption helps stop cancer cells growth.
2. Kefir is supporting detoxification - because of lactic acid bacteria, kefir is killing aflatoxins and other funguses which is important for healthy genetic expression.
3. Strengthening immunity - Because of its richness in bacteria, it's healing better than antibiotics.
4. Builds bone density - Kefir is increasing the absorption of bone building minerals of calcium and magnesium.
5. Kefir is healing Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and reducing bowel inflammation - this is happening because of the high doses of probiotics, including the strains of lactobacillus and bifidobacterium.
6. It has positive effects on allergies and asthma - because of strong anti-inflammatory properties.
7. Improves Lactose Intolerance 

Best of all is that you can buy kefir in stores or you can make it by yourself and that way you can control on calories intake. If you prefer kefir from store, choose the one which is low in sugar and added flavors, and then try flavoring it yourself at home where you have control over the amount of sugar being used. And if you are making it by yourself, the best way to keep it is in glass bottles.
That's all from me today. Kefir is, beside kombucha, my favorite drink when is made correctly. So try it, you can only improve your health.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Chocolate is healthy?! :)

Of course, here I meant on dark chocolate. So my dear ladies, beside of healing your broken heart, dark chocolate is actually healthy. Chocolate healing powers lies in the cacao, the basic ingredient of each chocolate. It contains healthy chemicals like flavonoids and theobromine and the only problem is that taste is bitter and chalky. On the other hand, if you add milk, sugar and butter to improve the taste you are also adding and calories and reducing the benefits of cacao. So stick with the healthy chocolate with at least 70% cacao and enjoy in next benefits of it:

1. Chocolate has cardiovascular benefits - Regular chocolate consumption is reducing the risk of heart failure, heart attack and stroke and high blood pressure thanks to flavonoids which improve the veins and arteries flexibility.
2. Weight reduction - Believe it or not but small portion of dark chocolate can help you to lose some weight. It's very nutritious, rich with fibers and minerals and is going to keep you satiated longer.
3. Prevention for diabetes - Dark chocolate is   helping with controlling of insulin sensitivity.
4. Dark chocolate is reducing the stress 
5. It can protect your skin against the sun - this is happening because, as I wrote, chocolate is rich with flavonols which improves your blood flow to the skin and increase skin density and hydration.
6. Dark chocolate can improve your brain function - Cacao contains stimulant substances like caffeine and theobromine which are a main reason how cacao can improves your brain function so don't feel guilty if you reach for a chocolate bar when you are under job stress.
7. Cough relief 
8. Diarrhea relief 
9. Simple - Eating chocolate is making us happy :)

So my dear ladies, enjoy freely in your favorite sweets - miss chocolate. You are actually improving your health ;)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Women's health

Many women don't go regularly to visit a gynecologist and don't care enough of their reproductive health. This often happens because of the unpleasant examination and inadequate information on how often it is necessary to control the reproductive health. One thing the majority of gynecologists agree is that in general women should visit gynecologist at least once a year and more if it's necessary. Visiting regularly a gynecologist can help in the prevention and early detection of diseases which women are facing with. So ladies, no more excuses. Call and set a date for your gynecology examination.

It is very important to visit gynecologist in order to get on time all the information about sexually transmitted infections, cancer prevention, fertility issues, birth control, menopause, even urinary issues and all other health issues women face. What kind of exam will she has depends on age group woman is in. It can include breast exam, pelvic exam, a Pap smear, screening for sexually transmitted disease. If a woman wants to become a pregnant or needs a contraception, gynecologist can also help her with.
One of the biggest woman fear is breast and cervical cancer. That's way you shouldn't wait to receive an abnormal pap smear to start asking questions and treatment for healing. Be proactive about your health, go to your gynecologist. With today's technology, every problem is easier to be detected and therefore more lives are saved. On this way, you are going to stay healthy which is important and for you and for your family. Be responsible to yourself, you deserve it!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Exercise makes changes

We all know how physical health is important, from preventing a big number of diseases, maintaining and improving your health and for simply feeling better and having fun. In general, to feel some of the benefits of exercising you should have at least 30 minutes of a physical activity every day, but if you want to achieve some more specific goal (lose some weight) you may need to exercise more. It doesn't need to include hard and burdensome exercise, just simple everyday walk will contribute a lot. You can choose by yourself what type of exercise is the best for you. But before you start doing exercise of any kind don't forget to consult your doctor, especially if you haven't been active for a longer period of time.

If you're still not convinced to start exercise on regular bases, here are some of the benefits exercise can help you with:

1. It can help you to control your weight - You
can maintain your current weight with physical activity or lose some if you want. In that case just intense the training.

2. Physical activity combats health conditions and diseases - If you exercise regularly it can help you to prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns (arthritis, risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke, depression...)

3. You're going to feel better - Exercise is helping with releasing a various brain chemicals, such as endorphin, which makes you feel much happier. In the same time you're going to have more confidence in your look and appearance.

4. Your energy level is going to be higher

5. Physical activity provides a better sleep - Exercise can help you fall asleep faster and make your sleep deepen. Just keep on your mind not to exercise close to bedtime because you can be too energized to fall asleep.

6. Exercise can improve your sex life - It's not just that you are having more energy and look better which have positive effect on your sex life. Physical activity on regular bases can lead to a higher libido for both partners and men who exercise are less likely having erectile dysfunction problems that men who don't.

7. It' fun activity - Exercise can be fun if you choose physical activity you enjoy. It can be a good way to spend some time with friends and family if you choose some group activity. You can also dance, hike, swim...The choice is unlimited, just choose what makes you happy and if you get bored, change it.

                                           Did I manage to convince you? :)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Embrace and love yourself

My blog's theme is a health care and a healthy lifestyle, but I need to mention one thing that does not includes the physical health and health care, but is equally important, if not the most important, and concerns love. I mean on love to ourselves because we can't give love to others if we do not love ourselves. Love indirectly affects the health (the topic of my blog) because the beautiful emotions can make you feel happy and happiness greatly improves health. That's the way you need to accept and love yourself in order to live a fuller life. It requires hard work on yourself and some of the following techniques can help you with this:

1. Reject negative beliefs about yourself - Don't have negative thoughts about yourself, let go of them. We often get these kind of thoughts from other people, people we appreciate and seek love from.

2. Don't seek to the perfectionism - Some people are constantly seeking to the perfectionism and expecting from themselves to be the best in every way so when that doesn't happen they have bad image about themselves. Be good to yourself when you're less than perfect because you are the best version of yourself!
3. Move the focus from negative things in your life - Don't look at the things in your life through the negative perspective. It's not possible that everything that happens to you is bad, this is really unlikely true.

4. Don't call yourself with bad names - If you made a mistake don't immediately say "I'm so dumb". Don't be hush to yourself, you're just a human and all humans make mistakes. Try to learn something from that mistake for a next time. Our life is constant learning process.

5. Assumption that only the worst things are happening is not good - Change your inner thoughts, don't think negative about everything that is happening. Try to be more realistic, it's very unlikely that every situation is going to have the worst outcome.

6. Change the negatively thinking about yourself - Every time when you realize you're having those kind of thoughts, think again, try to find the reason of that thinking and then make a new statement by re-writing your thought as a more positive.
 Hope you're going to accept these simple rules and apply them because you deserve it!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Beautiful smile for healthy lifestyle

I already wrote about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet and how essential it is for the whole body. One of the things on which diet also influences is oral hygiene and teeth. Regime that includes brushing your teeth twice a day and regular check up with dentist is main for helping your teeth stay healthy. Smoking, drinking alcohol and food you eat also influence on dental health.

A healthy diet, good for your teeth includes a lot of fruit and vegetables, bread with wholegrain, proteins such as fish, meat, eggs, milk... You should minimize food and drinks rich with fat and sugar if you want to prevent tooth decay. That means to stay away from: sweets, chocolate, cakes, sugary drinks, milky drinks with added sugar, alcohol, sugary breakfast cereals, ice cream, jams, marmalades, syrups and sweet sauces,....

About the link between cigarettes and teeth, smoking can stain teeth yellow, cause problems with breathing, bad breath and increases risk of gum disease, mouth and lung cancer. So if this doesn't make you give up smoking, I don't know what will? Give an effort and quit smoking, you're going to look and feel much better.

Alcohol is also influences bad on your teeth because it can lead to mouth cancer, erode the outer of the teeth which can cause enamel loss. In that case, you need to visit the dentist for filling.
Some foods and drinks can stain your teeth. Here I mean on coffee and tea, wine and cigarettes. Use them the less you can to prevent your teeth stained. And visit your dentist regularly....just take care about your teeth health because there is no nicer things than a smile :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The big three no no - sugar, salt and fat

In today's capitalist time where everything happens fast, we are eating fast, living too fast. The quick pace of life is imposed upon us. That is also transferred to the food, so there are fewer natural organic food and more and more processed and of poor quality, full of excessive amounts of sugar, salt and fat. The fact is that all food groups are required for the normal and healthy functioning, so that applies and to this food group but the quality and type of sugar, salt and fat are the critical issues.


Good sugar - Healthy sugars are found naturally in foods, rich with fibers, vitamins, minerals and other natural nutrients that our body can digest and metabolize through healthy pathways and timelines. Examples of the "good" sugar are whole fruit and dates, raw honey and blackstrap molasses.
Bad sugar - Bad sugar means any sweetener added to food is almost certain refined, processed concentrated sugar of some sort. This kind of sugar is very toxic for our health which can cause damaged organs, tissues and cells in the form of diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity. Examples of "bad" sugar are sucrose, fruit juice concentrates, crystalline fructose, corn syrup...


Good salt - Salt found in food naturally which contains natural minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, bromide, sulfur... Most of the people don't know that all amount of salt they need is already found in many natural foods like fruit and vegetables. There's no need to put additional salt to foods because much salt can be deadly.
Bad salt - Most people use processed table salt that contains 98% sodium chloride and 2% chemical additives and has been processed with high temperature, chemicals and iodine. The final product is simply sodium chloride with fillers and added iodine to improve the consistency of the salt.

Intake of the quality fats is essential for our health. This also includes saturated animal fat. The thing you need to take care is the quality and source of fat. The fact is that our body utilize fat for almost every metabolic process because they need constant supply of good fuel in the form of fat. 
There are two groups of fat which our bodies can't manufacture, so they need to be consumed. These are essential fatty acids that our bodies need in a good supply. Here belongs omega-3 essential fatty acids. The other essential fat human need are omega-6 fats.
Extra virgin olive oil, avocado, walnuts, fish oil supplements, wild caught fish and pasture-fed and grass-fed meats belongs to good fats. Processed vegetable oils, hydrogenated oils, deep fried foods, grain-fed meats, cured meats and processed dairy belongs to bad fats.

After giving you all these facts about this three groups of food, I want to say that all you need to learn is how to manage between healthy and processed food because that way you're going to ensure yourself a bright and a long future. And we all want that, right? :)

the quality and type of sugar, salt and fat are the critical issues. - See more at: