Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The big three no no - sugar, salt and fat

In today's capitalist time where everything happens fast, we are eating fast, living too fast. The quick pace of life is imposed upon us. That is also transferred to the food, so there are fewer natural organic food and more and more processed and of poor quality, full of excessive amounts of sugar, salt and fat. The fact is that all food groups are required for the normal and healthy functioning, so that applies and to this food group but the quality and type of sugar, salt and fat are the critical issues.


Good sugar - Healthy sugars are found naturally in foods, rich with fibers, vitamins, minerals and other natural nutrients that our body can digest and metabolize through healthy pathways and timelines. Examples of the "good" sugar are whole fruit and dates, raw honey and blackstrap molasses.
Bad sugar - Bad sugar means any sweetener added to food is almost certain refined, processed concentrated sugar of some sort. This kind of sugar is very toxic for our health which can cause damaged organs, tissues and cells in the form of diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity. Examples of "bad" sugar are sucrose, fruit juice concentrates, crystalline fructose, corn syrup...


Good salt - Salt found in food naturally which contains natural minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, bromide, sulfur... Most of the people don't know that all amount of salt they need is already found in many natural foods like fruit and vegetables. There's no need to put additional salt to foods because much salt can be deadly.
Bad salt - Most people use processed table salt that contains 98% sodium chloride and 2% chemical additives and has been processed with high temperature, chemicals and iodine. The final product is simply sodium chloride with fillers and added iodine to improve the consistency of the salt.

Intake of the quality fats is essential for our health. This also includes saturated animal fat. The thing you need to take care is the quality and source of fat. The fact is that our body utilize fat for almost every metabolic process because they need constant supply of good fuel in the form of fat. 
There are two groups of fat which our bodies can't manufacture, so they need to be consumed. These are essential fatty acids that our bodies need in a good supply. Here belongs omega-3 essential fatty acids. The other essential fat human need are omega-6 fats.
Extra virgin olive oil, avocado, walnuts, fish oil supplements, wild caught fish and pasture-fed and grass-fed meats belongs to good fats. Processed vegetable oils, hydrogenated oils, deep fried foods, grain-fed meats, cured meats and processed dairy belongs to bad fats.

After giving you all these facts about this three groups of food, I want to say that all you need to learn is how to manage between healthy and processed food because that way you're going to ensure yourself a bright and a long future. And we all want that, right? :)

the quality and type of sugar, salt and fat are the critical issues. - See more at:

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