Water is so essential for our health because it makes up more than half of our body weight. It's a nutrient that our body needs that is present in food, liquids and plain water. All of these are extremely important in order to replace the large amount of water that we lose every day. We lose water each day through sweat, when we go to the bathroom and even through breathing. Keep on your mind that this is happening even faster if the weather is really hot, if you are physically active. Diarrhea and fever can also lead to quick loss of water. That's way it's essential to replace these losses every day for good health. If we don't replace the water we lose, we can become dehydrated.
Here are six reasons to make you drink enough water or other fluids every day:
1. Water Helps Your Kidneys to function normally - Body fluids transport waste products in and out of cells. Kidneys are cleansing and ridding our bodies of toxins which are later excreted in the urine. Of course this is happening if our fluids intake is adequate. In that case, urine flows freely, is odor free and light in color.
When you're getting enough fluids, urine flows freely, is light
in color and free of odor. When our body is not getting enough fluids,
urine concentration, color, and odor increases. If someone drink too little water chronically, he's risking to get kidney stones.
2. Water is helping to maintain body fluids balance - Our body is made of about 60% water. These body fluids are including nutrients transportation, body temperature maintenance, digestion, circulation and absorption.
3. Drinking fluids is very important when we are exercising - Water is muscle energizer. When cells in muscle don't get enough fluids, they don't work very well and that's way it's recommended that people start taking water early, and to continue drinking at regular time intervals to replace lost of fluids.
4. Water is helping with calories control - Water doesn't have magical effect on our weight loss but can help because food with high content of water needs more chewing and it's more slowly absorbed. This can help us to feel more fully. Foods that is reach with water include vegetables, fruits...
5. Water is helping our skin to look good - If we don't drink enough fluids, we can become dehydrated and dehydration makes our skin looking wrinkled and dry.
6. Water is preventing constipation - Hydration that is adequate helps our gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation.
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