Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Is Garcinia cambogia working for men, too?

We all know that women and men have different body composition and that is important and noticeable even in process of losing weight. There is opinion that biologically men lose fat faster than woman so there's a question how Garcinia cambogia can work for them, too?
Reasons why men lose fat faster than women are:

- Men have more muscles and more muscles burn more fat;
- Men have different hormones, more testosterone which helps fat burn (on contraire women have estrogen which actually helps storing fat;
- Men are daily eating more protein than women (in general, they eat more meat)
- Men are eating less sweets than woman, which are carbo-hydrates.

As I said how women have bad luck because they have estrogen which is responsible for storing fat, bad thing about men is that they store most of their fat in the stomach area. If that's the case, my dear men, this is most probably the best time, when you should seriously start thinking about more exercise, better diet and supplements.

Even if it doesn’t make drastic change in your appearance in the beginning, on a long run good diet combined with supplements and exercise is the only winner against the constant problem of being overweight. Fact is that most of the people (men and women) never lose the wanted amount of pounds because they give up shortly after starting the process of Garcinia Cambogia use. The most important thing to remember while you are on diet is to be persistent and not to give up.
The point is that there is no right answer whether this supplement will work for men or not. The good news is, there is absolutely no risk on trying them out. In combination with a proper and healthy diet and an exercise plan it will soon start showing some results.
If in any case you don't see results immediately, continue with this process for at least 4-5 weeks and then they are starting to show up. Just make sure to keep on going with your healthy diet and exercise. Again, even if minimal, this is the best way to do something about your weight loss.

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